About us

– Forgotten Way are your professional best friend offering acceptance, advice, support and assistance.

Who is Barry Bicknese?

Let me introduce myself, my name is Barry. I was born near the Dutch-Belgian border. I was raised by both my parents to be moral, scientific and anti-religious. I am of mixed heritage. My mother is Chinese from Java, descendant from a business family. My father is of mixed mainly European descent from a family with a military and artistic tradition. They got divorced when I was six years old.
When I was young I had prescient dreams, could sense things and I had contact with spirits, but was unable to take control over this part of my life and tried to shut it out. My experiences became further and further apart until I managed to shut them out completely by the time I was sixteen. I then went on to study biology and psychology in which I attained a master’s degree.

While still a student I was diagnosed with an incurable wide spectrum allergy. When medical science after many years still failed to provide a solution I decided to see if the paranormal experiences I had in my youth might lead me to a solution. I found healers and teachers and learned that the key to my healing was to stop blocking my own spiritual talents. So I began to pray and communicate with my guides and received guidance on how to develop my talents and inspiration on how I might use them. Since 1997 I have been trying to help those around me using my talents and teaching others how to use theirs.

My spiritual studies progressed as follows:

  • Therapeutic Massage
  • Channeling and Prayer
  • Therapeutic Touch
  • Aura & Chakra Reading and Healing
  • Object and Photo Reading
  • Tarot
  • Crystal Healing
  • Shamanism
  • Rei-Ki
  • Nature Magic
  • Western Mysticism

My approach is holistic and I have various
different methods available for dealing with any problems. Together we can compare and
experiment to find methods suitable to
your individual needs.

Who is Darja Bicknese?

Hi, my name is Darja.

“ You can weep, you can be angry, you can stand outside in the rain, but nothing will change. Just calm down, do what you can and accept whatever the results will be”

I am a happy wife, free spirit and a mother of two wonderful children. Developer of this website and a devoted servant of spiritual world.

Everything is already known, just have to explore it and accept.
